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Implementing Access Control Lists (ACL) in Spring Security

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Access Control Lists (ACLs) are crucial for managing permissions within an application, providing a way to specify which users or roles can access certain resources. In today's applications, where security is paramount, understanding how to implement ACL effectively can safeguard sensitive data and functionalities. This article will explore how to implement ACL in Spring Security, enabling fine-grained access control.

Understanding Access Control Lists (ACL)

What is ACL?

An Access Control List (ACL) is a set of rules that defines what actions a user or group can perform on an object. Each entry in an ACL specifies a subject (user or group) and the permissions they have on an object (like files, APIs, etc.).

Importance of ACL

The primary importance of ACLs lies in their ability to provide fine-grained control over access to resources, ensuring that only authorized users can perform specific actions. This minimizes the risk of unauthorized access and enhances the overall security of the application.

Use Cases for ACL

  • Document Management Systems: Control who can view, edit, or delete documents.
  • Multi-Tenant Applications: Different clients may require different permissions for shared resources.
  • Financial Applications: Restrict access to sensitive financial data based on user roles.

How Spring Security ACL Works

Overview of Spring Security ACL

Spring Security provides a robust framework for implementing ACLs. It offers built-in support for managing permissions at a granular level, allowing developers to define permissions on domain objects easily.

Components of Spring Security ACL

  • ACL Entries: Define the permissions associated with a user or group for a specific object.
  • Object Identity: Represents the secured object for which permissions are defined.
  • Security Identity: Represents the user or group requesting access to a secured object.

Structure of ACL Entries

An ACL entry typically includes:

  • Permission: The type of access granted (e.g., READ, WRITE).
  • Object Identity: The identifier of the secured object.
  • Security Identity: The user or group associated with the permission.

Benefits of Using Spring Security ACL

  • Granular Control: ACL allows for detailed permission settings, enabling different levels of access for different users.
  • Flexibility: Changes to permissions can be made dynamically without altering the codebase.
  • Auditing: Easy tracking of who accessed what data, aiding in compliance and security audits.

Setting Up Spring Security ACL

Project Dependencies

To implement ACL in a Spring Boot application, you need to include the following dependencies in your pom.xml:



Database Schema for ACL

Spring Security ACL requires several tables to store ACL-related data. Here’s how to create the necessary tables:


CREATE TABLE acl_class (
    class VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE acl_object_identity (
    object_id_class BIGINT NOT NULL,
    object_id_identity BIGINT NOT NULL,
    entries_inheriting BOOLEAN NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE acl_entry (
    acl_object_identity BIGINT NOT NULL,
    sid VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    mask INT NOT NULL,
    granting BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
    audit_success BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
    audit_failure BOOLEAN NOT NULL

Implementing ACL in a Spring Boot Application

Step 1: Create the Database Schema

The SQL scripts provided above will set up the necessary tables in your database. Make sure to run these scripts in your database management tool.

Step 2: Configure Spring Security

To enable ACL support, configure Spring Security by creating a SecurityConfig class that extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter. Additionally, you need to configure the ACL bean:


public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

    public DefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler defaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler() {
        DefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler expressionHandler = new DefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler();
        return expressionHandler;

Step 3: Define ACL Permissions

Next, you need to define permissions for different users or roles on specific objects. You can create these permissions programmatically or dynamically based on user actions.

Step 4: Securing Methods with ACL

Spring Security allows you to secure methods at a granular level using the @PreAuthorize or @PostAuthorize annotations. Here’s an example:


public class DocumentService {
    @PreAuthorize("hasPermission(#document, 'READ')")
    public Document getDocument(Long id) {
        return documentRepository.findById(id);

Step 5: Managing ACL Entries

ACL entries are typically managed through an admin interface or automatically through application logic. You can programmatically grant or revoke permissions using the MutableAclService:


public class AclService {
    private MutableAclService aclService;

    public void grantPermission(Document document, User user, Permission permission) {
        ObjectIdentity objectIdentity = new ObjectIdentityImpl(Document.class, document.getId());
        Sid sid = new PrincipalSid(user.getUsername());
        MutableAcl acl = aclService.createAcl(objectIdentity);
        acl.insertAce(acl.getEntries().size(), permission, sid, true);

Step 6: Testing ACL Implementation

To test ACL implementation, perform actions like fetching documents and observing whether users with appropriate permissions are allowed access. You can write unit tests or manually verify through the application UI.

Best Practices for Using Spring Security ACL

  • Use Groups: Manage permissions through roles or groups to simplify administration.
  • Audit ACL Changes: Track changes to ACL entries for security and compliance.
  • Keep Permissions Simple: Avoid overly complex permissions that are difficult to manage or understand.


Implementing ACL in Spring Security is a powerful way to manage fine-grained access control over your application’s resources. With Spring Security ACL, you can dynamically control user permissions, providing both flexibility and enhanced security. By following best practices and understanding the components involved, you can leverage ACL to create more secure applications.

About the Author

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Joseph Horace

Horace is a dedicated software developer with a deep passion for technology and problem-solving. With years of experience in developing robust and scalable applications, Horace specializes in building user-friendly solutions using cutting-edge technologies. His expertise spans across multiple areas of software development, with a focus on delivering high-quality code and seamless user experiences. Horace believes in continuous learning and enjoys sharing insights with the community through contributions and collaborations. When not coding, he enjoys exploring new technologies and staying updated on industry trends.

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